We are a team who believe Every Intervention Matters and we endeavour to ensure every action we take, every strategy we make and every promise we keep is personalised to the clients we work with.

Grown from a small family company, we now support clients form all over the country and have been praised by commissioners and clients alike. We currently hold GOOD or OUTSTANDING rating in all our regulated services (with CQC and OFSTED). Since 2011, we have been rewarded by success and now have placements across East Anglia. Personal stories of young people achieving, keep us moving forward and developing our practice.

We have three different services which support young people in the care system, transitioning through from residential children’s home, through supported accommodation and in the community. We are firm believers in the Staying Close Agenda and stay in touch with young people for as long as they wish.

We also support those with physical and learning needs in the community through our domiciliary care team.

We can always rely on FEVACA providing support in crisis for young people, adjusting their care plans/support at short notice to meet their needs

Meet the team

At FEVACA we have a multi-disciplinary team with a wealth of experience that support each client in placement.

Caroline Fonjock

Director and QSW

Lionel Fonjock

Director and QSW

Monica De Castro

Quality and Performance Operational Manager / Social Worker

Miguel Valerio

Operational Service Manager / Social Worker

Misha Tricker

Suffolk & Essex Area Manager

Bethany Flack

Buckinghamshire & Bedfordshire Area Manager

Stephanie Newman

Cambridgeshire & Hertfordshire Area Manager