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We can provide specialised support for clients of all ages and their families and are registered with the CQC as a domiciliary care service

Community Service

Our team have a wide range of skills and support those with an array of needs, physical & learning disabilities, emotional & behavioural difficulties and those who require transitionary support between our services and to live in the community.

Our CQC rating is GOOD because of the personalised planning and support we offer.

If you have a personalised budget we can provide bespoke care packages that are especially tailored to your needs.

We understand that it is not always easy for families that work, who have family members that require extra help and support with general everyday living: We can provide respite support for families too.

If this sounds interesting and you would like more information, please contact Monica de Castro (Nominated Individual) on or FEVACA Head Office on 01284 764411, or email

For referrals please email –

Excellent planning, and continued engagement. Excellent ability to listen. Possibly the only agency including NHS who made us feel understood

Would you like to know more about how our Community Support Service can support your needs?